Today we will see concept of Service Builder in liferay
Before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my blog on Service Builder in Liferay .Liferay Service Builder based on hibernate and Spring DI .Service builder create tables automatically as in Hibernate.Service builder generates Services for the entities in two location. These location use the package path describe in service.xml :-
1)docroot/WEB-INF/services/package name
2)docroot/WEB-INF/src/package name
Service Builder divide the source in 2 layers:
1)An interface Layer
2)An implementation Layer
1)docroot/WEB-INF/services/package name
2)docroot/WEB-INF/src/package name
Service Builder divide the source in 2 layers:
1)An interface Layer
2)An implementation Layer
You ’ll never change anything in the interface layer manually.The implementation layer is generated in your src folder and is initially skeleton code that allows you to implement the functionality you need.
Service builder also create src folder inside META-INF folder .This folder contains all the Spring configuration files and Hibernate configuration.
We will discuss each and every tag in detail
1)<service-builder package-path="" auto-namespace-tables="true">
a)service-builder package-path
This is the path of package in which all the java file is generated
By default it is false if this is true then table is created in database with a prefix of namespace.
(But if there is no table tag we see it later)
2) <author>Pavar</author>
This tag is not mandatory.
Service Builder also generates Javadoc, and the name you place in the Author tags winds up in the Javadoc as the author of the code.
You can skip this tag but if you mention all Java classes have author name as mention like in this case Pavar.
Ex -
* @author seema
* @see StudentModel
* @see
* @see
* @generated
public interface Student extends StudentModel, PersistedModel {
3) <namespace>Seema</namespace>
This tag is mandatory .
By default, tables you define with Service Builder go in the Liferay database. To set them off from the rest of Liferay’s tables, you can prefix them with a namespace. This table, when created, will be called Seema_Student in the database.
If auto-namespace-tables is true than this name is appended before table name.The entry of this namespace is also mention in database with a table name servicecomponent that contain various columns like build number ,build date.
If auto-namespace-tables is true than this name is appended before table name.The entry of this namespace is also mention in database with a table name servicecomponent that contain various columns like build number ,build date.
Note :-
a)When ever you want to change the structure of table like number of columns and changes not reflect then delete entry of namespace from this table and build service again.
b)Namespace must be some valid name .Ex- Seema9 this number 9 will create a problem in build service.
4) <entity name="Student" local-service="true" cache-enabled="false" table="student">
a)entity name="Student"
This name is compulsory but need not to be same as table name.
All Service classes are made by this name like entityLocalServiceUtil etc.
Ex- StudentLocalServiceUtil
By using cache-enabled true data base data is cached.
This tag is not Compulsory
If you skip this tag then table in database is created with same name as entity name. Otherwise table name in database is same as table tag
By using local-service true we can use our services as web services like SOAP
By using local-service true we can use our services as web services like SOAP
5) <column primary="true" name="studentId" type="int" id-type="increment"></column>
Means this field is primary key for database.
Column is created with studentId in database
Field is of int type. We have many options like int,long,String etc.
This field is of autoincrement type. Other options are sequence,identity etc.
Some Cases:-
1)<service-builder package-path="" auto-namespace-tables="true">
<entity name="Student" local-service="true" cache-enabled="false" table="StudentData">
<column primary="true" name="id" type="int"></column>
<column name="name" type="String"></column>
Table name = StudentData
Reason:-Because we provide table tag so namespace has no significance here.
2)<service-builder package-path="" auto-namespace-tables="true">
<entity name="Student" local-service="true" cache-enabled="false">
<column primary="true" name="id" type="int"></column>
<column name="name" type="String"></column>
Table name = Seema_student (namespace_entityname)
Reason:-Because auto-namespace-table="true"
3)<service-builder package-path="" auto-namespace-tables="false">
<entity name="Student" local-service="true" cache-enabled="false">
<column primary="true" name="id" type="int"></column>
<column name="name" type="String"></column>
Table name = Student
Reason:-Because auto-namespace-table="false" and no table tag so table is created with name same as entity name.
Complsory Fields
1)<namespace>Seema</namespace> because entry in service component
2)entity name all java files created with this
Optional Fields
2)table name="optional"
Classes Created by Service Builder
Thats it Hope this Help Someone
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